Saturday, 25 February 2012


 Email from Pernille Borud to Fielding McGehee of the Jonestown Institute:

My name is Pernille Borud and I am a Norwegian freelance journalist. The 6th of March I am arriving in Guyana where I will spend two months working on a story about Jonestown and Peoples Temple.
If you have suggestions for people it would be wise to contact (I can see on your webpage that there are several scholars that are willing to talk to researchers), that would be a great help to me.

Email from Fielding to me (23/02/2012): 
I have a favor that I’d like to ask of you. I have spoken with a Norwegian journalist – whose initial contact with us I attach – who is planning to spend two months in Guyana to learn how the Jonestown tragedy has affected the country, what the local perceptions are (from both those who remember the event and from those who were born afterwards), and what lessons may have been learned – or not learned – from Jonestown. I immediately thought of you, of course, as a person who might be able to provide her with some leads.


I know you have some good perspectives yourself – I have heard them! – and I think she would benefit from contact with you. Would you drop her a note to let her know if you're available?

My reply to Fielding, CCd to Ms Borud:

 of course!
coincidentally, I myself am going to Guyana -- arriving on 7th March! And will be there for three weeks. I am going to be pretty busy with various things I have to do (arranging for the care of my mother, aged 94) but I do hope to find time for other matters. I would be happy to meet and talk with Ms Borud. I have been wondering myself if a visit to the Jonestown site could be fit in to my trip -- maybe this is my opportunity to do so?

So yes, let's get together, Ms Borud!
Pernille's reply to me:

Dear Sharon (If I may),
What a happy coincidence! I am arriving in Georgetown the 6th March, so it couldn’t have been any better. As I understand, you’ve already been introduced to my story, and what I hope to get out of the trip to Guyana. I have looked at some of your writings, and it really intrigued me.
Yes, let’s get together! When is the best time for you? As you may know, I am also planning a trip to Jonestown (and Port Kaituma), so if we could go together, that would be great.
Thank you for your response!

Stay tuned...

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